National Council for Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination 2021 (NCHM JEE- 2021) is now (from 2021 onwards) conducted by NTA . NCHM JEE is a CBT mode for admission to the B.Sc. Course in Hospitality and Hotel Administration (B.Sc. HHA) across the Country.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India (GOI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Society Registration Act 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent and international standard tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.
Admission shall be based on marks obtained by the candidate in All India (Written Test) JEE-examination to be held on 12 - 20 June 2021 (Saturday). Allotment of Institute shall strictly be in order of merit rank. No group discussions or personal interviews are involved in this admission process.
A pass in 10+2 system of Senior Secondary examination or its equivalent with English as one of the subjects. Candidate must have passed English as a subject of study (core/elective/functional) in the qualifying examination.
Those appearing in 10+2 or equivalent examination can also appear in JEE 2022 on provisional basis. Provisional admission will stand cancelled if proof of having passed the qualifying examination (10+2 or its equivalent) is not submitted at the time of counseling or at the time of admission or latest by 30.09. 2022.
The offer of admission is subject to verification of original certificates/documents at the time of counselling/admission. If any candidate is found ineligible at a later date even after admission to an Institute, his/her admission will stand cancelled.
Qualifying Examination for Indian Students
Plus two level examination in the 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education of any recognized Central/State Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination or State Boards of Secondary Education.
Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/University.
General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University.
Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in a foreign country recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education.
H.S.C. Vocational Examination.
Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects including English as one of the Subjects.
Age Limit:
For candidates from General and OBC categories, upper age limit is 25 years as on 01.07. 2021. Candidates born on or after July 01, 1995 are eligible. In the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates, upper age limit is 28 years as on 01.07. 2021. That is SC/ST candidates born on or after July 01, 1992 are eligible. Upper age limit for Physically Challenged candidates shall be reckoned as per the category he/she belongs to i.e. General/SC/ST/OBC. Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/Pre-University Certificate shall be the authentic proof that will be accepted. At the time of counselling, this certificate must be produced in original as a proof of age, failing which the candidate will not be considered for counseling/admission.
Reservation of Seat:
As per Government of India rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them. Benefit of reservation shall be given only to those classes/castes/tribes which are in the respective Central List published by the Government of India.
For the SC and ST categories, 15% and 7.5% seats, respectively, are reserved in Central and State Government Institutes of Hotel Management. Candidates belonging to SC / ST categories will be required to produce the original caste/tribe certificate issued by a competent authority in the prescribed format during admission. Certificates in any other format will not be accepted. Seats remaining vacant in these categories shall not be filled by candidates belonging to any other category.
27% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to OBC (Non creamy layer) category in Central Institutes of Hotel Management. Those belonging to the creamy layer of OBC are NOT entitled for reservation. Seats remaining vacant in this category shall be filled through General Category candidates, as per Hon'ble Supreme Court ruling. The OBC candidates (non-creamy layer) will be required to produce original OBC (Non Creamy Layer) caste certificate issued by a competent authority in the prescribed format at the time of counseling/Admission.
How To Apply:
Candidates have to apply for NCHM JEE- 2022 “Online” ONLY by accessing the website www.ntanchm.nic.in . The Application Form other than online mode would not be accepted, in any case. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate. More than one application i.e. Multiple application forms submitted by a candidate will be rejected.
It is suggested that you have the following ready before starting the filling of the application form:
A computer with good Internet connectivity
All your qualification details
Scanned clear passport photograph in JPG/JPEG format (size between 10 kb–200 kb)
Scanned clear signature in JPG/JPEG format (size between 4 kb–30 kb)
A valid e-mail Id as all communication will be made on this e-mail Id
A valid mobile number as all information via SMS will be sent to this number
A valid debit/credit card or Net banking account if you want to pay ONLINE
A printer connected to your system to print e-challan and confirmation page
Download information Bulletin. Read it carefully to ensure your eligibility and acquaint with the requirements for submission of Online Application Form.
No correction can be made at a later stage after submission of an application. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including e-mail etc.
Follow the 4 (Four) Steps given below to Apply Online:
Step-1: Register for Online Application Form and note down system generated Application Number. The candidate should supply all the details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create PASSWORD and choose Security Question and enter his/her Answer. After successful submission of the personal details, Application number will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of the Application Form and will also be required for all future correspondence. For subsequent logins, candidate will be able to login directly with the respective system generated Application Number and created Password.
Step-2: Complete the Application Form Candidate can login with the system generated Application Number and created Password for completing the Application Form.
Step-3: Upload Scanned Images of Candidate Photograph and Candidate Signature.
1. Scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format.
2. Size of scanned photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb.
3. Size of scanned signature should be between 4 kb to 30 kb.
4. The photograph should be coloured or black/white (but clear contrast).
Note: Upload the correct Photograph and Signature as the facility for correction in images will not be given.
Step-4: Payment by Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking/e-Challan: The candidate has to select Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking option to pay the application fee and follow the online instruction to complete the payment of fee. After successful payment, candidate will be able to print the Confirmation Page. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled and amount will be refunded to the candidate's account. However the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.
Steps can be done together and separately also.
All the candidates who have submitted the online application and paid the examination fee till last date will be allowed to appear in NCHM JEE- 2021 and their admit cards will be uploaded on the website as per schedule. The NTA do neither verify the information filled by the candidates in the application form nor verify any certificate of category/educational qualification for deciding the eligibility of candidates. The certificates of educational qualification and category (if applied under reserved category) will be verified by the concerned institution. The candidates are, therefore, advised to ensure their eligibility and the category (if applying under reserved category). The NTA will, in no way, be responsible for any wrong/incorrect information furnished by the candidate(s) in their online application form. The letter/e-mails in this regard will not be entertained by the NTA. The candidates are required to check the status of fee payment at NTA website (www.ntanchm.nic.in) and if the status is ‘OK’ the candidate will be able to take the printout of Confirmation Page. In case, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’ the candidates are advised as following:-
If the fee is paid through e-challan by depositing cash in above mentioned bank in case status does not show OK, then the candidate should contact immediately the concerned bank to update his/her fee status on the website.
If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will, automatically, be refunded to concerned credit/debit card within 15 days. Therefore, such candidates have to pay the fee once again and ensure the OK fee status.
For more details visit the Council's website
Contact Details
Address : National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology
Block C- 20/1A/8, Sector-62, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Noida -201309 (Uttar Pradesh)
Phone :0120 - 2590603 Toll Free No. 1800 180 3151
Mobile :7042399521
Website :www.ntanchm.nic.in